Minimal Probabilities (I/II/III)

A/V Installation: MK Calling 2020 & AI: More Than Human (Young Barbican Night) & TOPLAP Transnodal 2021 ( ) { Shown at: X] Version I, 26th June 2019 Barbican Centre, part of AI: More Than Human, Young Barbican Night; X] Version II, MK Gallery, February-November 2020;  X] Version III, TOPLAP Transnodal - London node, 19-21st February 2021; };

Minimal Probabilities is a generative audio-visual composition based on the uncertainty principle. The behaviour of the sound particles cannot be determined, but it can be influenced by altering the probabilities of the environment.

click to watch (extracts from live performance) ↴ Minimal Probabilities Controller MK Gallery 2020